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Kajabi How To: Start a Pinterest Business Account for Your Kajabi Site

Dec 08, 2018

One of the best ways to get traffic to your Kajabi site is via Pinterest. You may think of Pinterest as "just for fun" or a "social media channel" but it's actually a huge search engine; it just happens to have a lot of pretty pictures :)




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Should Your Business Be on Pinterest?

Just like with Google, YouTube, and Amazon, when people are looking for information about a topic or product, they search on Pinterest. Don't believe me? The stats don't lie, baby.

According to Pinterest's own statistics:

  • 250 million people use Pinterest every month
  • 50%+ of new sign-ups are men (the audience is diversifying from "it's just women")
  • 175 billion Pins
  • 40% more people are on Pinterest than last year (I assume that means 2018 over 2017, since it's only January as I write this)
  • 93% of Pinners use Pinterest to plan purchases
  • 67% of...

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