Review: "2021 PowerSheets Planner" for Motivation and Goal Setting
Oct 04, 2020
If you're looking for a MEGA POST on all things "PowerSheets" by Cultivate What Matters, here you go! PowerSheets is a goal & motivation planner for 2021 w/90-day refreshes.
This post includes not only ANNUAL planning but, new for 2021, also has a focus on 90-DAY refreshes. {If you haven't yet read "The 12-Week Year", check it out to learn how much more effective 90-day planning is than annual planning}.
I'll go into a LOT more detail below but what makes PowerSheets special is that it's colorful and happy, that the company supports you throughout the year, and it makes goals and planning fun and interactive.
As a blogger, I was chosen to be an affiliate for Cultivate What Matters products including PowerSheets. That means I was able to place my order early so when I get it [SOON!!], I can share "real life" photos and answer the questions you have, yahoo!
Learning About and Using 2021 PowerSheets
Confession: I bought PowerSheets for the first time in 2017, filled it out at the end of 2016 with my upcoming year's goals ... and then by Q2 got sidetracked by work/life and didn't stay with it through December. Womp womp.
But I remember how much I enjoyed filling out my goals, how thoughtful and intentional the planner made me feel, and what great quality it was. I come across my 2017 PowerSheets in my office every now and then and it's one of my favorite things to read and look back on.
So though I can't give you a "wow, these work so great for me and this is how!" (because I'm a dork), I can still recommend PowerSheets, am learning all I can about them, and am committed to "doing the thing" in 2021. Awww, join me and we can plan together! 💗
Okay, so let's get to it!!
Hard Copy Planners for Goals and Motivation
Do you use online calendaring and goals systems? Or are you a holdout for paper planners like I am? I still like to write things down when it comes to planning.
There are lots of things to keep track of for us online entrepreneurs! Not only do we need a place to keep all our appointments and schedules, but we also need to track our goals (if we're going to be successful, that is - all the studies bear this out).
I've checked out a lot of planners over the years and the PowerSheets Planner by Lara Casey at Cultivate What is quite different from other offerings.
I just ordered my 2021 PowerSheets planner and I'm so excited! As a fellow creative, a fellow goal-setter, and fellow busy lady, I thought you might like it too. So I'm going to share my 8 favorite things about the 2021 PowerSheets planner - along with everything else you need to know about PowerSheets.
What's Included in This Article
If you have to go rn or only have time to skim ...
... I totally got you, girl! We're busy solopreneurs with things to do. So feel free to skim on through this post if you have to. But do SAVE THE LINK, favorite it, Pin it, put it in your Trello, or whatever you need to do 📌.
Here's what is covered below:
1. My 8 favorite things about PowerSheets
2. PowerSheets accessories and bundles
3. A look at which PowerSheets items I purchased along with accessories from Cultivate What Matters and from Amazon
4. Consolidated list of links to relevant PowerSheets info, dates, and resources
Phew! I think I gotya' covered 👍🏻
My 8 Favorite Things About the "PowerSheets" Planner by Cultivate What Matters
Before I shower you with product images of each type of item in the 2021 PowerSheets line, let's start with 8 things I love about 'em.
#1 - Spiritual Perspective
I wanted to put this one first: CWMs products include a Christian/spiritual perspective. So if that's a dealbreaker for you, no worries! Just want to save you the time of reading any further 😊
I'm one of those "more spiritual than religious" peeps. But I do believe in a higher power so this aspect of PowerSheets not only doesn't bother me but I enjoy it. As they say, "I take on what serves and leave the rest."
For example, your monthly To Do list is called a "tending list". Some of the samples you'll see of filled in PowerSheets will have religious/spiritual language. Stuff like that. It's not enough to bother me but your mileage may vary :)
So again, if you firmly do NOT want spirituality included in your goal-planner or mentioned by companies you deal with, this likely wouldn't be a good fit for you. The great news is that there are a zillion and one other planners out there so I'm sure you can find your perfect one.
#2 - Goal-planning and Motivation vs. a Traditional Day Planner
Another feature I want to mention early on is that this is not necessarily a place to keep track of your appointments and schedule like your usual daily/weekly planner.
Instead, the Lara Casey PowerSheets planner is a wonderful container for setting and tracking goals (personal and professional), being motivated, and having fun while you do it.
So a lot of people, me included, still get a regular daily/weekly planner to use in addition to PowerSheets. That said, there are some add-on accessories that can be used in a way that would negate needing a separate day planner.
For instance, some use the PowerSheets monthly calendar as their main big picture planner, then use the weekly and daily note pads for their actual planning and appointments. Or they do those things digitally with GCal, a phone app, etc.
The pads are smaller than the PowerSheets pages, so you can washi tape, staple, sticker, or magnet them into your PowerSheets if you want to.
Another option would be to tear out your tending list, trim it down a bit, and keep it tucked inside your day planner. Then at the end of the month, put it in the pocket of your Powersheets and start the next one.
So with all the accessories and a bit of creativity, you may be able to use PowerSheets as BOTH a goal planner and a daily/weekly planner! It's totally up to you. {As I'll explain below, I'm still using a separate weekly planner}.
#3 - Happy, Upbeat, Colorful Design and Company Branding
Have you ever gone to a website and instantly felt happy? Yeah, that's how I feel whenever I visit, their blog, or any of their social media channels.
See what I mean? The company branding is full of brights, pastels, bright white, and simple, pretty patterns. Of course, this carries over to all of their products as well.
When I sit down to work on my quarterly or annual goals, I want to be in a happy, productive mood and the CWM branding takes care of that ☀️.
An added bonus for me is that the Cultivate What Matters brand colors coordinate quite nicely with mine, lol. It may be gone by the time you read this post but as of publication in early October 2020, here's what their ad graphics on the top and sidebar of my blog look like:
Guess it was "meant to be" that I rediscovered PowerSheets after all these years, huh?
#4 - Thoughtful Execution of Goal-Setting for Busy Entrepreneurs
The PowerSheets planner by Cultivate What Matters is not specifically meant as a business or entrepreneurial planner. But it can definitely be used as one.
If, like me, you plan your business and life holistically, this could be a great match for you. During the Prep Work and doing your Tending Lists, you'll get in deeper touch with your WHY, with your Word of the Year and what it means to you, with Gratitude for what you have and accomplish, and many other great things.
This planner is also continually improving because the company listens to their customers. They take their suggestions on board and actually making changes to the products over time.
For instance, here's a Facebook Live by Cultivate What Matters, "What's New in 2021 PowerSheets!" {to view it, you'll need to join the main CWM group here}.
Changes made for 2021 include:
- a smaller coil for easier page-turning
- rounding the metal corner protectors so they don't catch on things
- "linen touch" covers with an upgraded sealant that toddlers or coffee can't even stain
- reduced the number of "prep work" pages from 34 to 21 to streamline the goal-setting process from past years
- more explicit goal-setting instructions (for those who want firm guidance)
- space for annual goals but also broken down by quarter for mini goals (for each yearly goal ... phew!)
- provided space for updated mini goals in a quarterly refresh section
One thing that did NOT change from last year is the price, so that's nice considering how much work they obviously put into the new version and improvements.
#5 - Guided Time in December to Set Your Intentions for 2021
PowerSheets Prep Week is scheduled for December 8-11, 2020. I don't know much about this yet but when I learn more, I'll update this :).
#6 - Course to Walk You Through Making the Most of Your Planner
"Goal School", the Cultivate coaching membership platform, is free with your PowerSheets purchase. It's the home for coaching videos by Lara for your prep work, and all of your other PowerSheets resources in one place.
#7 - Engaged and Supportive Community
Along with PowerSheets comes an active Facebook Group with over 18,000 members. There are also subgroups for students, moms, business owners, and faith.
As per my confession earlier, I'm not known for sticking with a goal planner through an entire year. Ahem. So I've joined a few of these CWM Facebook communities.
I'm counting on them to keep me engaged and motivated with my goal planning and tracking, and I'm counting on PowerSheets to keep me engaged and motivated with work and life, lol.
#8 - Entire Product Line to Support and Enliven Your Goal-Setting
I mean ...
What more could you ask for?? 😂 Planner, accessory bag, stickers, pens, bookmarks, notepads, washi tape, and so many more things! I'll break it all down below.
But one of my most favorite things about PowerSheets is that it comes with a whole line of items that support your success and make the process even more motivating.
PowerSheets, Accessories, and Bundles by Cultivate What Matters
I have access to all these great images so I thought I'd share them with you! It's not every single item available - for that, you'll have to go here and click around a bit.
But it's the majority of the PowerSheets items, along with one image of each and a few thoughts from me :) I'm not including the prices because they're all over on the website; this is just a quick taste of what's available.
This is the flagship item, the PowerSheets planner. It's a 12-month, 160-page, 7.75" x 10.5", hard cover, spiral-bound planner. You get to choose from 3 solid colors (a sky blue, a mint green, or a blush pink) with a durable "linen-like" cover and 1 floral with a smooth cover. {Spoiler alert: This is the design I picked; it's called Citrus Garden}.
If you've partaken in or even tracked the planner craze in recent years, you know it's all about the stickers! You can use them to call attention to important goals, to celebrate accomplishments, or to just jazz things up.
The 3 color choices of zippered pouches don't match exactly but coordinate very well with the 4 planner cover choices. They have an elastic band on the back side that allow you to keep them attached to your planner. Use the pouch to keep your stickers and pens handy. Or use it for your make-up; totally your choice 😊
Cultivate What Matters had markers made with their name on them; nice! Keep in mind these have a pretty broad tip and seem like they're more for highlighting and color coding your goals rather than writing them out, okay?
These are pages on various topics that you can fill out and add to your PowerSheets (there are spaces saved for Wildcards throughout the planner). Some examples of them are: birthdays and anniversaries, bucket list, organize and declutter, self-care, book lists, household routines, financial goals, meals, to do's, goals, year at a glance, daily routines, and holidays
With your purchase of PowerSheets, you can download and print them yourself - or save your time and ink and just buy them ready to use like this.
As a crafter, I already have quite a collection of washi tape - but if you don't, you might want to get this for taping Wildcards or other lists into your PowerSheets planner.
These patterns and colors specifically match with CWM products but if you're not picky, you can also just buy some at Michaels craft store or similar. Pro tip: Use the weekly 40% off coupon in the Michaels app and get a set of washi for next to nothing.
For some reason, I skipped right over this when I was placing my order. Then when I saw it demo'd in one of the videos, I kinda' wished I'd gotten it.
It's a pretty little book (those tiny gold flowers are sparkly foil!) you can keep in your nightstand or purse and just jot daily things into - goals, gratitudes, business ideas, accomplishments you want to remember, things your kids said ... oh, so many ideas.
Super pretty and motivational 12x12 wall calendar 🌿 You can see the graphic for each month down below - keep reading!
I showed 3 of them above and then there's this one, too, for general notetaking, goals, motivations, etc.
These are cool because they're magnetic so they won't fall out and lose your place, even as you haul your PowerSheets planner around.
There's just too much to say about these, lol. Head on over to the CWM website and check out your options. But long story short, you save a bit of money by ordering bundles vs. separate items. For example, with the Custom Bundle, you choose your PowerSheets cover and your choice of (6) accessories.
Soooo ... If You're Getting PowerSheets, Get Them On Launch Day Because ...
I mean, other than you're really anxious to get them!
- Free domestic shipping over $100
- Free little gift, a CWM pin
- Half-price on "Cultivate Your Year Live" online event
My 2021 Planning Items Purchased from PowerSheets and Amazon
After much research and careful consideration (😂), here are my 2021 Day/Goal Planners and Accessories! Yep, I'm a squee bit excited to start using them all. {Each item title is a link where you can go see more details}.
1. 2021 One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner in Citrus Garden
Those who know me - and I'm sure you'd agree just by noticing the colors of this website - know that I adore the colors of the beach. That means blues, greens, aquas, teals, sand, white, light grey.
So my first inclination was to be torn between the Sea Glass (mint green) and Clear Skies (light blue) cover colors. However, I pretty quickly jumped over to #TeamCitrusGarden because it's just so bright, happy, and motivating.
That said, had I seen this video before I ordered, when Lara showed the accessory pouches and how they attach right on to the planners, I may have gone with a Sea Glass planner and a Citrus Garden pouch. They look so amazing together! You can see that combo at 16:45 on the video.
I love how the Citrus Garden pattern is on the inside of the solid-colored planners too so it's a really cohesive look. Ah well ... there's always next year to switch it up, lol. In fact, I'll most likely get a bundle next year to get more for my money too.
I chose this notepad over the daily or weekly ones shown above for a few reasons. I plan to use my PowerSheets mainly for my business and financial goals. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I'm usually working on 2 or 3 major projects at a time.
So instead of breaking down my goals by day or week, I want to break them down by project. This "Break It Down" notepad is perfect for that!
I wasn't really in the market for a wall calendar but I just couldn't get this one out of my head once I saw it. Again, the bright colors, simple but pretty graphics, and great motivational sayings just won me over. Had to have it.
Not only will this hang in my work-at-home office all year to brighten my days but as a scrapbooker, all pretty wall calendars get a second life when the year is done.
I cut them apart and use them as monthly divider pages in my 12x12 scrapbooks. This calendar is perfect not only for the 12x12 size but it's also wood-free which means it won't yellow or curl with age << important for scrapbooks.
This will be my 5th year using a "Home & Work Planner" by Kahootie Co. I'll do a full review of it in another post - but in brief, I love the large size (I have big handwriting), sturdy cover, and how it allows you to keep all home stuff on one side of the page and all work stuff on the other - plans, appointments, even To Do lists. Perfecto!
5. PILOT FriXion Colors Erasable Marker Pens, Bold Point, Assorted Color Inks, 12-Pack
Okay, on soooo many people's recommendations, in the past I bought the Pilot Frixion fine tip pens. And when I got them, I remembered that I don't like writing with fine tip anything. I use .7 mechanical pencils, for instance. So I found the same Frixion pens but I'm going to try bold point this time, and hope they're not TOO bold.
The other great "points" (eh? eh?) about these pens are that they're erasable, just what ya girl needs to fix all my printing mistakes. Great price and Prime shipping on Amazon. Gorgeous colors, several of which match the PowerSheets colors. #wehaveawinner
I don't know if I'll have much room for stickers in my PowerSheets (again, large handwriting), so I didn't buy any CWM sticker books.
Instead, I got these cute planner stickers on Amazon, mostly to use in my Kahootie planner, which has lots of white space. But I may sneak some in on my PowerSheets too; we'll see :)
My Ordering Process and Shipping Details for 2021 PowerSheets
As I mentioned above, as an approved blogger and affiliate for Cultivate What Matters, I was allowed to get my PowerSheets a bit early. This is so I can share actual photos and reviews with YOU before the official launch date.
I ordered on 09-24-20, paid with Amazon Pay, my order shipped later that same day, and arrived to me in California (from CWM in North Carolina) on 10-01-20.
They shipped via UPS and went to my USPS postal box. I assume this shipping experience was on the faster side than what you'll expect if you order during the launch, right?
I did hear Lara say in her video that in anticipation of the "fixed" bundles being popular (as they usually are), they were already boxing those up. So perhaps those will go out more quickly than, say, if you order the Custom Bundle where they have to individually pack them.
Idk, haven't heard that specifically, just totally estimating and assuming, lol. (Don't hold me to anything; I don't work for CWM, ha!)
Keep in mind that DOMESTIC SHIPPING IS FREE if you order over $100 on Launch Day Wed 10-14-20 or the following day Thu 10-15-20!! That alone is good reason to put this launch on your calendar. Plus that pretty yellow box 💛
Anyhow, I'm picking up my shipment on Monday 10-05-20 and will share photos soon after! Those photos will be added to this post and shared on my Facebook Page and Twitter feed, if you'd like to see them 😊 {see below if you want to be notified when they're live}
PowerSheet Links, Dates, and Resources
Last but not least, I've gathered all the things in one place for you, love! Here's a list of 2021 PowerSheets links, dates, and resources so you can easily find what you're interested in, whenever you have a question or are ready to purchase.
WHEN TO SHOP: The 2021 PowerSheets Collection launches on Wednesday, October 14th at 10am ET
INSIDES OF POWERSHEET PLANNERS: What's New in 2021 PowerSheets! (video)
POWERSHEETS, ACCESSORIES, THE COLORS, ETC: Are you ready to see the 2021 PowerSheets Collection NOW? 🎉 (video)
Take a Look Inside (video)
What Now? Get a Reminder, See My Haul, and Get Check-Ins
I guess you can tell by now that I love planning, goal-setting, and all things PowerSheets. I can't wait to get started later this year. I feel like 2021 has GOT to be better than 2020, don't you? Looking forward to having fun with my PowerSheets in '21!
Please join my mailing list if you'd like ...
- a reminder on 10-14-20 that it's PowerSheets launch day
- to see my PowerSheets shopping haul when I get my hands on it
- a few updates throughout the year on how my PowerSheets journey is going
Just click the Subscribe button at the very end of this post. If not, I love you still!! ha ha 🤣 If you made it this far, you're a champ anyway.
Please leave a comment below or email me any time [email protected]. I'd especially love to know 1. what questions you have about PowerSheets, and/or 2. what pages you'd like photos of when mine gets here.
Happy Planning!
This is a sample comment. Great content!