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8 Ways to Use Kajabi for Your Coaching Business

Oct 20, 2021

Take a look at Kajabi's new Coaching feature and Coaching Accelerator limited-time promo! Start a coaching business or streamline the one you have with Kajabi 💙

One of the reasons I chose Kajabi to (literally) run my entire business is their easy-to-use and comprehensive platform for creators and anyone who wants to monetize their knowledge. I can build, manage, and scale everything from one intuitive dashboard.

Though I don't currently sell any coaching myself, I worked with many coaching clients back in the day when I was a VA. So I recognize the value that Kajabi brings to the table for the coaching profession.

In light of Kajabi releasing their new Coaching feature today along with a great promotion, let's talk about 8 ways YOU can use Kajabi for your coaching business.


#1 Coaching Website

People think of Kajabi as just a course and membership platform. But as a true all-in-one, it can also host your WEBSITE. Yep, right inside your Kajabi account, you can create your home base on the internet. 

There's no more need for WordPress and all its plugin conflicts and updates. Kajabi's website is SO much easier to build, personalize, and update with your new content and offerings. 

Many WordPress users rely on a "techie" or VA or do these things for them. I can't tell you the relief it is to be able to do it all yourself. Not only are you no longer beholden to their timeline but you also save money, right? #techhelpiscostly


#2 Coaching Blog

Blogging is such a great thing for coaches. Not only does it help you establish authority in your niche, it also improves the SEO of your site greatly >>> which means more visitors to your site and therefore your offerings.

You can start or move your coaching BLOG to Kajabi as well. Again, it's so much easier to use than a WordPress blog. It's very nice to have everything in one place, too.


#3 Email Marketing and Opt-Ins

You may be using something like Mailchimp or ConvertKit for your broadcast emails and email sequences, and to deliver your freebie opt-in. I hate to be a broken record but ... you can do your EMAIL in Kajabi as well.


#4 Sales Pages, Forms, and Checkout

The lifeblood of your business is selling your coaching hours and packages. Kajabi makes that super simple to do with its SALES PAGES, FORMS, and CHECKOUT. Use one of the many beautiful page templates to create your sales pages, bring traffic to those in your choice of ways (social media, ads, blogging/SEO, etc.).

Use Forms to pre-qualify or just gather the client info you need, then use a Kajabi Offer aka checkout to collect payment. 



#5 Courses and Membership

In addition to your coaching, you may want to offer specialized COURSES or even a MEMBERSHIP. You can easily set those things up in Kajabi. 

A lot of coaches are realizing that the 1:1 coaching model is awesome but it eventually caps out. There's only so much of you to go around to your coaching clients. That's where things like courses and memberships come in. They allow you to scale your time and to help more people, which I know is your goal at the end of the day 💛

How great would it be to have your coaching offerings, your course(s), and even perhaps a membership all in the same "online shop" for your clients to get their choice of access to you and your teachings? (Think about the cross-selling opportunities there ... wink).


#6 Coaching Podcast

This is a relatively NEW feature to Kajabi, released in Fall 2021. It's the ability to have - right inside Kajabi! - a free and/or paid PODCAST.

If you don't have a podcast for your coaching business yet, this makes it super easy to start one. And if you do already have one, move it on over to Kajabi and quit paying your podcast host.

Have you noticed I keep mentioning ways that Kajabi saves you money? To learn more about that - with actual costs and numbers - please check my post "Kajabi is Too Expensive: How It Actually Saves You Money Over Cheaper Systems"


#7 Coaching Community Forum

I think coaches especially, because of their sometimes sensitive niche, can have a real problem using Facebook Groups for their COMMUNITY. Not to mention that a lot of their heart-centered clients are moving away from Facebook altogether.

Kajabi includes an option called Community, which is like a forum or message board for your clients or customers. I'm not gonna' lie ... it currently has pretty basic functionality.

So if you're expecting all the features of a FB group, you'd be disappointed. But it does the basics and gives your community a place to interact away from the prying eyes of Facebook. 

Pro tip: Many Kajabians use Circle.io for their communities and it's on Kajabi's development board to integrate with Circle. No promises or timeline but just something to keep in mind 😊

.... and finally, the 8th way ....


#8 Kajabi's Brand NEW Coaching Product Feature

Though Kajabi started as a platform for selling courses, they realized how many coaches were using it to sell their services and packages as well. To better serve those coaches, they created the COACHING product (and Coaching Accelerator promo)!

As this blog post publishes (10-20-21), Kajabi is officially announcing the release of this new feature. It will allow coaches to:

  • Schedule time with coaching clients
  • Take private notes on sessions (plus your clients can too!)
  • Share documents and resources with clients
  • Track client progress
  • And so much more 


I was granted early access to the Coaching product and, though I'm not a coach myself, I played around with it a bit. I think Coaching on Kajabi has the functionality to streamline the coaching process and help you scale your business even further, beyond what all the other features already do. 


Kajabi's "Coaching Accelerator" Promotion [LIMITED TIME]


To announce the new coaching feature and get it into as many hands as possible, Kajabi is hosting a value-packed October Promotion that includes, as a bonus, their 30-day Coaching Accelerator program.

Take a look at all you get; it's quite amazing: 

  • Coaching for coaches: Live weekly training, insights, and Q&A with industry experts to put your coaching business on the right track.
  • Your own custom domain: Show your clients you mean business with your own custom domain from name.com — paid for by Kajabi for one year.
  • Your own scheduling tool: Use a premium scheduling tool to easily book client sessions and have them added to your calendar automatically — paid for by Kajabi for 6 months.
  • Pro video conferencing: Run your sessions through a professional and secure video conferencing platform — paid for by Kajabi for 6 months.
  • Kajabi’s powerful coaching platform: Run your entire business (website, email, marketing tools, and more) from one integrated dashboard — free for 30 days.


This is a limited-time promotion so I wouldn't hesitate. Just click HERE for more information.  


Using Kajabi as a Coach

As it already existed, Kajabi is an easy, affordable*, streamlined way to run a coaching business. Now with this latest feature, it's gotten even better.

*especially when you get to cancel all those separate services you use and switch to all-in-one Kajabi


Kajabi Coaching Resources

Whether you sign up for Kajabi via the Coaching Accelerator promotion or you're an existing customer, here are some free resources to learn more about the Coaching feature:

"Coaching Accelerator" sales page - what exactly is included in the promotion, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, a demo, and more

"Coaching Product Overview" help file - step-by-step written instructions along with a video demo of the new feature

"Coaching on Kajabi" special event - replay of the online event which premiered today, with a more in-depth demo than the one in the help file linked above

"Coaching Basics" free course in Kajabi University - how to create your own coaching program plus coaching strategies, by Coach Ali Levin


More Reasons to Utilize Kajabi Coaching

Coaching is an excellent way to kickstart your online business or add an additional stream of revenue. It’s a great way to get to know your customers on a deeper level and validate your solutions to their problems.

You can also launch a coaching program without any pre-recorded content. And right now is the perfect time to get started. 



If you’re unsure whether Kajabi is for you and have questions, I’m here! Leave a comment or email me. I love me some Kajabi talk! Heh.



PS: If you click the Coaching Accelerator promo link and it doesn't allow you to purchase, it's because the promo has ended, sorry :( But please feel free to use THIS LINK to sign up for their regular 30-day trial. It's still an awesome deal, to get 30 days to play with Kajabi and see if it's right for you before committing. The Coaching product is included with all free trials and all levels of paid accounts. xo


Agree, disagree, have a question? Please leave a comment👇🏼

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