kajabi deal resources & reviews Kajabi and Marketing Roundup: Stock photo sale, Kajabi news, Canva Champion, legal bundle discount

Here's a great mashup of business and personal things that caught my eye or impacted me in some way recently, plus tips and links. I hope you...

May 13, 2021  READ MORE
introvert marketing resources & reviews social media Clubhouse App How To: A Guide for Online Entrepreneurs

If you're in online business or marketing circles, you've likely heard the frenzy about this new app: Clubhouse. Come learn how to get started and...

Jan 12, 2021  READ MORE
photos & graphics resources & reviews Review: 8 Things I Love About the Pixistock Feminine Stock Photo Membership

A review of one of my favorite photo sources ... but you get lots more. Gorgeous feminine stock photos, Canva templates, content calendar,...

Nov 28, 2020  READ MORE
resources & reviews work from home Biggest 2021 Planner Round-Up! 100+ Planners for Creative Solopreneurs

Are you looking for a 2021 day planner? Here's the most extensive list of digital & paper planners on the internet. Chances are you can find...

Nov 17, 2020  READ MORE
courses & learning resources & reviews Review: Using "Descript" to Create and Edit Video for Your Courses

Come read my review of Descript, a low-cost online platform that helps creators easily edit course videos, create a transcript, add an intro and...

Nov 10, 2020  READ MORE
resources & reviews work from home Review: "2021 PowerSheets Planner" for Motivation and Goal Setting

If you're looking for a MEGA POST on all things "PowerSheets" by Cultivate What Matters, here you go! PowerSheets is a goal & motivation...

Oct 04, 2020  READ MORE
courses & learning resources & reviews social media BIG Changes to Marie Forleo's B-School Facebook Group

In August 2020, Marie Forleo's B-School group on Facebook underwent a major change. Find out what happened and how the 31,000 group members are...

Aug 28, 2020  READ MORE
courses & learning resources & reviews Online Course Platforms: Kajabi vs New Zenler vs GrooveFunnels

Someone in a business Facebook group asked for an opinion on 3 course platforms: Kajabi, New Zenler, and GrooveFunnels. Here's my highly...

Aug 10, 2020  READ MORE
resources & reviews Review: "Legal Bundle Value Pack" with Instruction and Templates

One of the most important questions creative solopreneurs should ask ourselves is: Am I legally covered for the business I do online - my website,...

May 29, 2020  READ MORE
resources & reviews Roundup: Resources, Freebies, and Discounts for Crisis Times

As many of us are now sequestered at home during the "Covid crisis", I thought I'd share some resources I've gathered from around the interwebs to...

Mar 20, 2020  READ MORE
introvert marketing resources & reviews 8 Game-Changer Books for Creative Solopreneurs

There are lots of business book reviews and "recommended" reading lists but this one is different. My list is especially for you creative...

Feb 22, 2020  READ MORE
courses & learning resources & reviews My NON-Affiliate Review of B-School Plus a List of Affiliate Bonuses

It's B-School launch time!! That means you're likely being inundated with emails and social media posts from former B-School students enticing you...

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photos & graphics resources & reviews 30+ Free Photo Sites for Creative Solopreneurs

Are you tired of paying for the stock photos you use in your online business? I have your solution:30+ sites with FREE images with no attribution...

Sep 11, 2019  READ MORE
courses & learning resources & reviews Creative Solopreneur: Are You Overwhelmed by All the Tech in Your Business?

If you are, you're definitely not alone. I think tech overwhelm is one of the biggest problems we have in business. By nature, we creatives...

Sep 09, 2019  READ MORE

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