courses & learning kajabi deal Kajabi Sale! Get the "2X Impact" Plan During Semi-Annual Sale

I'm in a lot of business- and entrepreneurial-related Facebook groups. If I had a dime for every time someone asked, "What's the best platform for...

Mar 15, 2019  READ MORE
kajabi blogging & seo social media Kajabi How To: Add a Pinterest "Pin It" Button to Your Blog Images

Here's how to enable a Pinterest "Pin It" button on your Kajabi blog. In fact, it'll work on your whole site! This makes it easy for people to pin...

Feb 27, 2019  READ MORE
kajabi how to premium Kajabi Quick Tip: Add a Cookie Consent Banner to Your Site

One thing you may still need to add to your Kajabi website is a cookie consent banner. Basically, it let's all your visitors know that your site...

Feb 05, 2019  READ MORE
resources & reviews 8 Ways Kajabi Massively Improved My Online Business

There are probably 20 reasons why this is true but I've gathered 8 really great ones and made a list for you. Maybe you're considering making the...

Jan 29, 2019  READ MORE
photos & graphics resources & reviews social media A Review of Feminine Stock Photo Memberships & How I Chose One ...

Creative entrepreneurs and coaches can really benefit from buying a feminine stock photo membership. Images for your blog, website, social...

Jan 13, 2019  READ MORE
kajabi blogging & seo kajabi how to Kajabi How To: Add Disqus Comments to Your Blog Posts

On your Kajabi blog, there are 2 main ways to enable Comments, i.e., to give readers the ability to leave comments on your blog posts: 1. Facebook...

Jan 04, 2019  READ MORE
kajabi blogging & seo kajabi how to premium social media Kajabi How To: Start a Pinterest Business Account for Your Kajabi Site

One of the best ways to get traffic to your Kajabi site is via Pinterest. You may think of Pinterest as "just for fun" or a "social media channel"...

Dec 08, 2018  READ MORE
courses & learning kajabi deal Kajabi Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deal ... Plus 2 Sweet Bonuses from!

If you've been on the fence about whether you need Kajabi, now is the time to go ALL in! For the first time ever, Kajabi is offering a Black...

Nov 23, 2018  READ MORE
resources & reviews work from home Biggest 2019 Planner Round-Up! 110+ Planners for Creatives and Entrepreneurs

Are you looking for a 2019 day planner? Here's the most extensive list of digital and paper planners on the internet. Creative entrepreneurs,...

Nov 06, 2018  READ MORE
kajabi blogging & seo kajabi how to premium Move Your Blog from Wordpress to Kajabi in 8 Easy Steps

With the rise in popularity of the online platform Kajabi, many people - including me - are moving their entire Wordpress blog sites over to...

Oct 26, 2018  READ MORE
work from home 8 Places Solopreneurs Can Work Away from Home

One of the best things about being an online entrepreneur is that we get to work from home, right? But sometimes that gets lonely, distracting, or...

Aug 08, 2018  READ MORE
courses & learning introvert marketing Who Are You and Why Are You Here?

Hey creative entrepreneur . . . this is for you. This site is for you and, as I was conceptualizing it and building it, I always had you on my...

Mar 15, 2018  READ MORE
resources & reviews Biggest 2018 Planner Round-Up! 100+ Planners for Creatives and Entrepreneurs

Are you looking for a 2018 day planner? This extensive list of planners is perfect for creative types and entrepreneurs as well as others....

Dec 10, 2017  READ MORE
resources & reviews Book Review: Making the Most of Your Time with “The Fringe Hours”

I love Jessica's overall message, that as busy moms, we need to not forget ourselves and need to make time for self-care...each section has...

Dec 06, 2017  READ MORE

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